´s something I found as a comment to this article:
Is Graduation the Beginning of the End for Kurt and Blaine? GLEE Star Chris Colfer Offers His Take
Are you one of the million of GLEEK’s still reeling from Fox Entertainment President Kevin Reilly’s recent announcement that seniors Rachel, Finn and Kurt will officially be graduating from McKinley High at the end of the season? Curious as to what exactly that means for Kurt and Blaine’s future? If so, you’re most definitely not going to want to miss out on this exclusive one-on-one with star Chris Colfer, who dishes on his reaction to the graduation news and offers his take on how that might affect his on screen alter-ego’s love life. See for yourself, after the jump.
First off, what was your reaction to the news that your character will not be getting a spin-off but rather return to the series in some magical way that creator Ryan Murphy won’t let us know about?
Well I’m really excited about. I of course can’t explain it right now but I think everyone is going to be really happy about it. With alluding to anything, not doing the spinoff anymore is kind of going to be the best of both worlds.
What affect, if any, do you think Kurt graduating is going to have on his relationship with Blaine?
I really don’t know. I think that they’re going to maybe separate eventually. But I mean I say that and I get a lump in my throat because I think people are going to kill me for even mentioning that. But I don’t know. I’m anxious to see how that works too. Realistically these character would be together for a good amount of time and then separate, that’s just how life is, but we’ll see, I don’t know.
In terms of Kurt’s final semester, what can you tease about his journey?
Well I was talking to Ryan [Murphy] and I think they’re going to have something pretty epic planned for him. He actually pulled me aside on set two days ago and was like we’re planning on doing something pretty great with Kurt and kind of filled me in and I’m really really excited about it. I think it’s going to turn out pretty great.
Does that “something pretty epic” refer to more of a school thing for Kurt or is it one more personal in nature?
I think it’s going to be epic in general. For him as a character, but probably more so for the character and less about school.
And finally, having parlayed your role on GLEE into a slew of different projects including movies and books would a small part of you been okay with Ryan Murphy simply decided to have your character graduate, and in doing so free you up to focus on your ever-expanding empire?
No because it’s been so much of my life I almost don’t know how my life would be without it. That crew is really like our second family. I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t get to see the hair and make up people everyday and the sound people and the wardrobe people. I feel like I get my best ideas for other things when I’m on set so I wouldn’t want to leave.
Well I’m really excited about. I of course can’t explain it right now but I think everyone is going to be really happy about it. With alluding to anything, not doing the spinoff anymore is kind of going to be the best of both worlds.
I really don’t know. I think that they’re going to maybe separate eventually. But I mean I say that and I get a lump in my throat because I think people are going to kill me for even mentioning that. But I don’t know. I’m anxious to see how that works too. Realistically these character would be together for a good amount of time and then separate, that’s just how life is, but we’ll see, I don’t know.
Well I was talking to Ryan [Murphy] and I think they’re going to have something pretty epic planned for him. He actually pulled me aside on set two days ago and was like we’re planning on doing something pretty great with Kurt and kind of filled me in and I’m really really excited about it. I think it’s going to turn out pretty great.
I think it’s going to be epic in general. For him as a character, but probably more so for the character and less about school.
No because it’s been so much of my life I almost don’t know how my life would be without it. That crew is really like our second family. I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t get to see the hair and make up people everyday and the sound people and the wardrobe people. I feel like I get my best ideas for other things when I’m on set so I wouldn’t want to leave.
And this was one of the comments...
Well...this comment makes me really anrgy. Because of this comments Chris thinks now we, the fandom, hate him just because he has an opinion and now he´s sad.
So, Tammy, here´s my response for you:
WTFH is wrong with you?! Chris is so respectful to his fans like no other star. He love his fans. He is so thankful that we love him and that he can live his dream. And you really think Chris is not a Klaine-shipper?! Go to hell, Tammy! Chris and Darren are the biggest shippers in the whole world. The ship Klaine more and harder as the fans together!
And can you read?! In which line, in which sentence, with which word Chris diss the fans/klainers?! It´s just his opinion!!! He´s a human and he has a right to have an opinion!
Btw: Chris is probably the most smartest guy (with Darren...and some other) in the world. (just sayin´)
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