- Gleeks get no spin-off
- seniors graduated (they don´t they how much or which seniors)
- the seniors (some) come back next season
- Murphy has a really good idea
- Lea will definitely back
Thanks, Murphy. Now the whole fandom goes crazy!!!
But calm down, Gleeks. Lea AND Chris will definitely back. Remeber: Chris said in an interview that he will come back in season 4 and he will be at McKingley.
And think about it: Blaine is an junior, in season 4 a senior. Of course Kurt is at McKingley. And now remeber about the NYADA application. Rachel had a perfect, Kurt has nothing.
So it would be logical if Rachel is in NYADA and Kurt not and I think a good way, that Chris can stay, would be that Chris fail his school year. So he can be with Blaine in the same school year, both can end the year together, Kurt has a new possibility for NYADA (or another school)... .
It would be the best...just sayin´, Ryan Murphy.
Can we please know which cast member comes back and when we get the next season?! PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE?

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